2024 Columbia River Region Officers
Columbia River Region VCCA has eight Board Members that provide skills in a number of areas to support our club: Director, Assistant Director, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Membership Secretary, Tour Coordinator, and Royal Mail Editor.
In addition, there are several committees that are responsible for activities, including the Banquet Committee, Elections Committee, Swap Meet Representatives, Finance Steering Committee, Membership Projects Committee, Website Committee, and several ad-hoc committees. Members who serve in these capacities provide the leadership to make our club a well-run and fun organization for all.
Bob Lynn
Coming soon.
Richard Schmidt
Assistant Director
I purchased my 1949 Chevrolet in 1975 from the original owner. It sat in a barn for a couple years until I could start working on it. I finished restoring it in 1980. It was my daily driver for the next several months until I was able to get another car, at which point the 1949 Chevrolet became my show car. I was part of the VCCA club for a while in the late 70's and early 80's, then dropped and re-joined in 1999. I've enjoyed showing my car and taking the car on many club tours. Now that the kids are out of the house and I have a little more time, I've decided to become the club Historian. I enjoy taking pictures and my wife Kathy enjoys scrapbooking, so it seemed like a good fit. Feel free to reach out to me any time.
Jilly Lynn
Coming soon
Mark Bjerke
Coming soon.
Dave Starr
Ron Becker
TOUR Director
I joined VCCA and the Columbia River Region in 1996. I’ve held various positions on the Board over the last 12 years. I have a rather large collection of 25 Chevrolets. My favorites are a 1963 Impala SS 409 with many factory options and my 1964 Chevelle Malibu SS, also heavily optioned. I really enjoy the comradery and our club’s work on the Portland Swap Meet.
Kathy Schmidt
Betty Shannon
VCCA Area #3 Director: Ed Gallagher